The Devil Press: A Comprehensive Guide

The devil press, also known as a devil’s press, is a full-body workout that combines a dumbbell burpee and a double dumbbell snatch. It is a challenging exercise that requires two dumbbells of the same weight. To perform the devil press, start by placing the dumbbells on the ground. Next, lower your body to the ground and grab the dumbbells, performing a burpee. As you jump up to your feet, hold a dumbbell in each hand and perform a dumbbell snatch, finishing with both arms locked out overhead and your body at full extension. This is one rep. It is important to complete the movement in one fluid motion, without pausing with the dumbbells at the shoulders.

The devil press is a compound exercise that works multiple muscle groups at the same time, making it an efficient way to train. It can be modified to suit different fitness levels and can be incorporated into various types of workouts, including HIIT circuits, strength training routines, or as a standalone exercise. Proper form is crucial for the devil press, so make sure to keep your core tight and your back straight as you lower down and perform the burpee. Use your hips and glutes to power the dumbbells overhead during the snatch portion of the movement, and be mindful of your wrist position to prevent strain on the joints.

The Devil Press Benefits

  • Increases strength: The devil press includes elements of a push-up and a weighted squat, both of which can increase strength.
  • Improves explosiveness: The dumbbell snatch portion of the movement requires explosiveness to get the dumbbells overhead, which can improve explosiveness in other exercises such as box jumps and Olympic lifts.
  • Increases cardiovascular endurance: The added weight of the dumbbells during the burpee portion of the movement makes it a challenging cardio exercise.
  • Full-body workout: The devil press works multiple muscle groups at the same time, making it an efficient way to train.
  • Can be modified to suit different fitness levels: The devil press can be modified to make it easier or more challenging, depending on the weight and number of reps used.
  • Versatile: The devil press can be incorporated into various types of workouts, including HIIT circuits, strength training routines, or as a standalone exercise.

Please note, that it is important to start with a conservative weight and maintain good form to get the most out of the devil press.

Single Arm Devil Press

In addition to the standard devil press, there is also a single arm variation that can be incorporated into your workouts. This variation involves performing the movement with one arm at a time, switching sides after each rep. The single arm devil press can be a good option for those looking to add an extra challenge to their workouts or for those who want to focus on developing strength and coordination in one arm at a time. It is important to maintain good form and start with a conservative weight until you build up your strength and coordination. As with the standard devil press, the single arm variation requires a combination of strength and explosiveness to complete the movement smoothly. It can be a great addition to any strength training routine and can help to improve overall functional strength and coordination.

Devil Clean & Jerk

The devil clean and jerk is a variation of the devil press that involves an additional movement. After completing the dumbbell burpee deadlift portion of the devil press, instead of locking out your arms overhead and performing a snatch, you clean the dumbbells up to your shoulders and then perform a push press or jerk to lift them up. This adds an extra challenge to the exercise, as it requires additional strength and coordination to complete the movement smoothly. The devil clean and jerk can be a good option for those looking to add an extra challenge to their workouts or for those who have already mastered the devil press. As with the devil press, it is important to maintain good form and start with a conservative weight until you build up your strength and coordination.

Before attempting any variation of the devil press, make sure to warm up with a few minutes of light cardio and some dynamic stretches. As with any new exercise, it is always a good idea to consult with a qualified fitness professional or physical therapist to ensure that you are using proper form and to get advice on modifications or alternatives if needed.